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Rachel Bolstad

Rachel is a Kaihautū Rangahau | Chief Researcher at NZCER. Her work in education research is driven by an endless curiosity about the world and a strong commitment to better educational experiences and outcomes for all learners, as well as teachers, families, and communities. Rachel constantly strives to develop her own, and other people's thinking about education, why it matters, and how our learning and teaching systems may need to change to match the opportunities and demands of a changing world. She enjoys working in teams and drawing inspiration and influence from a wide range of fields, in particular the creative arts.
Rachel's current work programme includes leading a research project to explore systemic educational responses to climate change. She has previously led several research projects on environmental education and education for sustainability.
Her other research interests include local curriculum design, students' experiences of education, game-based learning, and future-oriented education.
Rachel was lead organiser for the 2017 NZCER Games for Learning conference.
Rachel was a guest on The Point of Learning podcast and chatted with Pete Hall about thoughts on the future, the power of immersive experience, and how we can really shift thinking in education.
She was a judge in the 2016 NZTA Student Game Design Competition.
Her first digital game, Curriculum for the Future, was launched in 2016.
Bolstad, R. (2010). From “student voice” to “youth–adult partnerships”: Lessons from working with young people as partners for educational change. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R., & Gilbert, J. (2008). Disciplining and drafting, or 21st century learning? Rethinking the New Zealand senior secondary curriculum for the future. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R. (2006). Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: Final report. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R., Gilbert, J., Vaughan, K., Darr, C., & Cooper, G. (2006). Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on "digital age" learners. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R., & Gilbert J. (2006). Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: What can the Tech Angels project teach us? Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Hipkins, R., Roberts, J., Bolstad, R., & Ferral, H. (2006). Staying in Science 2: Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand year 13 science students. Wellington: Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.
Bolstad, R. (2005). Digital Opportunities Project (2001-2003): Evaluation of Notebook Valley. Wellington: Report for the Ministry of Education, prepared by New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R. (2004). The role and potential of ICT in early childhood education. A review of New Zealand and international literature. Wellington: Ministry of Education.
Bolstad, R. (2004). School-based curriculum development: Principles, processes, and practices. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R., Baker, R., with Barker, M., & Keown, P. (2004). Environmental education in New Zealand schools: research into current practice and future possibilities. Volume 2: A review of national and international research literature on environmental education practices. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research and University of Waikato, for the Ministry of Education.
Bolstad, R., Cowie, B., & Eames, C. (2004). Environmental education in New Zealand schools: research into current practice and future possibilities. Volume 1: Summary of the research findings. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research and University of Waikato, for the Ministry of Education.
Bolstad, R. (2004) Where are your science students going (and how can you help them get there)? New Zealand Science Teacher no.106, pp. 36-40.
Bolstad, R., & Hipkins, R. (2003). Evaluation of the Business of Science Initiative. Wellington: Final research report prepared for the Ministry of Research, Science, and Technology, by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research. [pdf file, Retrieved 24.09.04]
Bolstad, R. (2003). Environmental education: Roots in the past, visions of the future, opportunities in the present. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3. New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Bolstad, R. (2003). Environmental education for secondary students. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3. New Zealand Council for Educational Research.