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Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research into current practice and future possibilities

Rachel Bolstad, Bronwyn Cowie, Chris Eames, Miles Baker, Paul Keown, Richard Edwards, Richard Coll and Neil Rogers

This research, presented in four volumes, looks at current practice in environmental education in New Zealand schools using a range of methods:

  • key findings from each of the research components [vol. 1]
  • a literature review of national and international practice [vol. 2]
  • a national survey of schools [vol. 3]
  • eight case studies looking at schools/kura where environmental education is a strong focus [vol. 4]OsCommerce migration

Download the Environmental education reports  [from the Ministry of Education website]

Year published: 
Publication type: 
Research report
NZCER and University of Waikato, for the Ministry of Education
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Bronwen Cowie
Chris Eames