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NZCER develops and supports a range of tools and services, including resources and surveys for students, school leaders, and teachers. Everything we produce is based on research and sound curriculum design and is extensively trialled.
Support & advice
Our education advisers can help you choose the right assessment for your learners. Our support specialists provide support and advice on the use of all our tools, services, and resources. We run workshops—online and face-to-face— to help build assessment capability and support inquiry, and provide some across-school and Kāhui Ako reporting.
School assessments including PATS
Most of our tests cover Years 3–10. You can get more information on each of these tests from the links on the School tests page. PATs: Punctuation and Grammar, Mathematics, Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension and Reading Vocabulary, Science: Thinking with Evidence (Junior: Years 4–6, Senior: Years 7–10), Supplementary Spelling Assessments, STAR Reading Test, te reo Māori
School surveys, including resources
Our services cover the years from early childhood education through to tertiary. You can get more information about these services, resources and surveys on the School services page. Assessment Resource Banks, Engagement surveys: Science, Me and My School, Teacher Workplace Survey, Teaching and School Practices survey tool, Wellbeing@school, Taku Reo student survey
Te Reo Māori
Te Reo Māori is an vocabulary assessment for English-medium schools that uses Computer Adaptive Technology and includes an audio feature.
We develop and support tertiary and vocational tests
The Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool was created, and is supported, by NZCER for the Tertiary Education Commission.
Home education
Parents and whānau who educate their children at home must have a "Certificate of Exemption from Enrolment at a Registered School' to buy paper tests or register for online assessment. Information about how to obtain a certificate is available from the Ministry of Education: Home education – – Practical information about education for parents and carers
Please email to discuss your assessment requirements if you hold a Certificate of Exemption.