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Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys

Rachel Bolstad, Edith Hodgen, Josie Roberts

Two mini reports were part of a two-year evaluation of Phase Two of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters Initiative. The initiative’s overall aim was to embed an enterprising culture within clusters of schools nationwide based on characteristics of their communities. NZCER is tracking and supporting developments in four clusters: Northland, West Coast, Nelson, and Manukau.

The two reports were designed to update the clusters on the progress made and achievements gained according to surveys completed in the final term of 2008. The first report provides a summary of survey responses from E4E lead teachers and other teachers who had used approaches that align with E4E. The second report (below) overviews the responses from students who had been involved in an E4E class, extra-curricular project, or unit of work during 2008.

Year published: 
Publication type: 
Research report
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Edith Hodgen
Josie Roberts