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Nicola Bright
I uru atu a Nicola i te rōpū rangahau o Te Wāhanga i Poutū-te-rangi 2012. E whakaū ana a Nicola ki te whanake, ki te tautoko anō hoki i te reo Māori, te mātauranga, me te mahi whakangungu kaiako. I ngā tau ki muri, he kaitātari kaupapa, he kairangahau a Nicola.
Nicola joined Te Wāhanga in March 2012. Her research interests include reo Māori revitalisation and education, wellbeing, and teacher professional development. Nicola has also worked on a number of evaluations of education programmes in kura and schools. Contributing to the revitalisation of te reo Māori is a passion, as is the ongoing exploration of kaupapa Māori research approaches to help make a positive difference for Māori learners and their whānau.
Nicola’s research / interests include:
- Te reo Māori me ōna tikanga
- Māori medium education
- Transitions within and between different types of education settings
- Kaupapa Māori research methodology
- Evaluation theory and methodology
- Qualitative research approaches