Ka nui te rekareka o Te Wāhanga ki te tuku i tēnei putanga motuhake o set, ko Te Haere a ngā Ākonga Māori i ngā Ara Rapu Mātauranga te arotahinga. Katoa ngā tuhinga o tēnei putanga, mō ngā kaupapa rangahau e tāpae kōrero ana ki te ao rapu mātauranga o Aotearoa, he kitenga rangahau ko te taunakitanga tonu tōna tūāpapa. Hei aha? Hei whakapai ake i te takahi haere a ngā ākonga Māori me ō rātou whānau i ngā ara kimi mātauranga o Aotearoa.
It is with pleasure that Te Wāhanga introduces this special edition of set focusing on Te Māori i ngā Ara Rapu Mātauranga—Māori Education. All articles in this edition are based on the work of researchers who are aiming to provide the education system in Aotearoa New Zealand with evidence-based research findings that can contribute to improving the educational experience of Māori students and their whānau.