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In December 2001, Auckland Metropolitan College (Metro), the only state-funded alternative secondary school in New Zealand, closed after eight highly critical ERO reviews in eight years. ...

This paper describes the way in which a major literature review on curriculum, learning and effective pedagogy in science education was undertaken in New Zealand, and introduces the other papers...

This article argues that the rights of childen should be at the heart of early childhood education policy development. It describes the free market framework inherited by the current...

What might biology education learn from disciplinary biology? Asks Rosemary Hipkins, NZCER, and keynote speaker at Biolive 2009.
At the 2009 Biolive Conference in Dunedin I suggested that...

Our schools are organised to meet the needs of the industrial age. They are based on two key ideas: the importance of traditional disciplinary knowledge and the necessity to sort people...

The Assessment Resource Banks (ARBs) in English, mathematics, and science have been designed to reflect current New Zealand curriculum statements and provide schools with an ever-increasing range...

This article was included in an information pack for school principals and curriculum leaders, designed and distributed by the Ministry of Education and intended to support the...

This article draws on the first two years of a longitudinal study of young people’s pathway and career-related experiences and perspectives. It argues for a richer conceptualisation of young...

This paper explores the potential for using narrative pedagogy to help students develop a sense of connectedness to the conceptual science they are learning, and through that to develop an ethic...

Meet the "confident explorers". They are young people who are engaged in various forms of study, training and employment in their first three years out of school. Their...