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Kei tua o te kura—Report | 658.56 KB |
Kei tua o te kura—Key findings and tools summary | 153.03 KB |
Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura—Understanding how tertiary education organisations are supporting the transitions of reo Māori learners and speakers completes the series of research reports looking at the transitions between education organisations, from pre-school to tertiary.
Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura focuses on whānau experiences of reo Māori education in tertiary settings, with a specific focus on wānanga. The report and summary aims to assist whānau as they make decisions about tertiary study, and the role the tertiary education organisation has in supporting whānau aspirations for te reo Māori.
The project was co-funded by Ako Aotearoa and by NZCER through its Purchase Agreement with the Ministry of Education, and has been undertaken in partnership with Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
The set of tools for TEOs and whānau that were developed from the study findings will work together to encourage increased levels of support for te reo Māori learners and speakers.