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He Rau Ora: Good practice in Māori language revitalisation—literature review

Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, John Huria

He rangahau i whakaritea mā Te Mātāwai, e Te Wāhanga - Te Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa, i te tau 2019

I tonoa Te Wāhanga—Te Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa e Te Mātāwai, ki te whakahaere i tētahi arotakenga tuhituhi, hei tautuhi i ngā whakaritenga papai e pā ana ki te whakarauoratanga reo i te taumata tonu o te pū harakeke (arā, o te whānau me ngā hapori), me te whakarato i ngā mōhiohio e hāpai ai i ngā mahi whakamahere me ngā kaupapa mahi e pā ana ki te whakarauoratanga reo. E whakaatu ana te arotake nei i ngā tauira ki ngā tuhinga nō Aotearoa, nō whenua kē hoki e whakamārama ana i ngā whakaritenga whakarauora reo i whakawhanakehia ai, i whakatinanahia ai hoki e ngā whānau me ētahi atu tūmomo rōpū ā-hapori.

A report prepared for Te Mātāwai by Te Wāhanga–New Zealand Council for Educational Research l NZCER, 2019

Te Wāhanga – New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) was commissioned by Te Mātāwai to conduct a literature review to identify good practice in language revitalisation at a micro level (for whānau and communities) and provide informed support for revitalisation planning and activities. This review presents examples of language revitalisation practices, developed and implemented by whānau and other community groups, that are described in literature from Aotearoa New Zealand and other countries.

Year published: 
Publication type: 
Literature review
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