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Elliot Lawes

Job Title:
Mātanga Tātari Tatauranga | Psychometrician
Elliot is a Psychometrician at NZCER.
His work involves:
- use of psychometric models - such as the multifacet Rasch model - to inform the development and implementation of assessment tools
- quantification of the level of agreement between different judges in the context of multiple markers judging a single piece of student work
- alignment of multiple assessment tools and in particular, standard setting
- statistical modelling of the distribution of assessment information through student populations
- measurement of student progress based on achievement data collected from assessment tools
Elliot has a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Michigan and an MSc and a BSc (Hons 1st class) both from the University of Auckland.
Research projects I have worked on:
Research projects that I am currently leading:
Project | Project leader(s) | Category |
Exploring learning-partnerships using Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal data | Elliot Lawes |
Research outputs
Year published | Title | Publication type | Category |
2021 | Manaakitia ngā tamariki kia ora ai - Supporting children's wellbeing | Research report | |
2021 | Maternal perceptions of aspects of learning partnerships | Research report | |
2019 | Students’ maths self-efficacy exceeds their predicted achievement: Initial findings of an ongoing study | Research report | |
2018 | An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement | Research report | |
2018 | He Reo Ora: Māori-language revitalisation activities and resources in homes and communities | Research report | |
2018 | Making a difference to student wellbeing—a data exploration | Research report | |
2017 | Mode equivalency in PAT: Reading Comprehension | Research report | |
2016 | Assessing students’ maths self-efficacy and achievement | Journal article | |
2016 | Using PATs to explore achievement and progress | Research report |