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Maths education

NZCER's Maths education work

Recent Maths education research publications

Author(s): Julie Roberts, Vince Wright

Learning Progressions for Students working within Level 1 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum.

Proceedings research aarticle for the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) Annual Conference 2019

Conference proceedings - 2019
Author(s): Linda Bonne

This article examines five studies to identify patterns in New Zealand students’ mathematics-related beliefs and attitudes, and their relationships with achievement. The article is available here.

Journal article - 2016
Author(s): Bonne, L., & Johnston, M.

This journal article looks at how a group of 7-9 year olds in four New Zealand primary schools thought about intelligence, their beliefs about themselves as maths learners and how that related to their achievement in maths.

Journal article - 2016
Author(s): Alex Neill, Melanie Berg and Liesje Stevens

This report summarises research carried out for the Commission for Financial Capability into financial capability in secondary schools. We also produced a brochure for schools and parents, setting out the main findings from the research.


Research summary - 2015
Author(s): Alex Neill and Jonathan Fisher

This chapter deals with questions of maths assessment.

Book chapter - 2010
Author(s): Alex Neill
Conference paper - 2001
Author(s): Jonathan Fisher and Alex Neill
Research report - 2008
Author(s): Alex Neill and Teresa Maguire
Research report - 2006
Author(s): Alex Neill and Teresa Maguire
Research report - 2008