In this issue we continue to celebrate thirty years of set. While set has always been a refereed journal it is now officially recognised as such by the Commonwealth Department of Education Science...
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set started in 1974 as a kit—looseleaf pages and little booklets with articles, reviews, and even
stories. set generally came out twice yearly—free for the first few issues, funded by the...
Road safety education for young children requires more than games, rhymes, and worksheets; it needs to be linked to everyday experiences of traffic and addressed "little and often". This article...
Teachers are constantly urged to develop higher-level thinking skills in their students. This article describes one school's approach to developing these skills in Year 9 students in a way that is...
Education for the environment is invariably considered to be the fundamental element in education "in, about, and for" the environment. However, research from New Zealand and elsewhere suggests...
A national research project investigated environmental education practice in New Zealand schools. This article describes and discusses key characteristics of current practice and the achievements...
This article discusses the merits of using cancer as a context for teaching about social and ethical issues. It is based on part of a larger research project that investigated the teaching and...
Once upon a time, it happened that all the Newspaper Editors, Employers and Professors of Engineering throughout the land came to believe that children were no longer able to jump as well as they...
Once upon a time the animals decided they must do something decisive if they were ever to solve the problems created by the growing complexity of their society. They set up a working party and, in...

This article examines significant social-emotional influences on gifted students' motivation. While students' motivation to engage in learning is very much determined by factors specific to each...
This study looks at an RTLB working within classrooms in a cluster of schools, assisting teachers in implementing inclusive practices to increase social and co-operative interaction between Year 1...
This article outlines Chinese-speaking students' perceptions of what helps and what hinders their learning of science in English in New Zealand secondary classrooms. Six students were interviewed...
The quotation in the title of this article comes from Ryan, a New Zealand secondary-school student, in a statement to his teachers. Ryan wanted his teachers to recognise his impairment-related...

The banks provide tools for formative assessment. Recently developed resources support self- and peer-assessment. Recent small-scale research projects provide information to support assessment...
Spelling – Write and Right! (Part 3)
In News and Views (No. 3 and No. 4, 2003) we gave you the lists of essential words that make up 75 percent of most writing. We left you with this...