NZCER's School governance and management work
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School governance and management
Recent School governance and management research publications
Findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2021
The Post Primary Teachers’ Association (PPTA) asked the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) to provide an overview of the research literature on barriers and supports for women to succeed in secondary school leadership.
What’s happening in our English-medium primary schools: Findings from the NZCER national survey 2019 Full report
What’s happening in our English-medium primary schools: Findings from the NZCER national survey 2019. Summary
Student wellbeing and positive behaviour - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Te reo Māori and school provisions for ākonga Māori - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Meeting the needs of Pacific students - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Providing for students with disabilities or who need learning support - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Providing for English language learners - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Curriculum, assessment and reporting to parents and whānau - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Learning with digital technologies - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
School culture and teacher learning - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Team teaching and innovative learning environments - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Kāhui Ako - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Teachers' work, morale, and changes they would make - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Principal careers, wellbeing, and support - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Trustees' perspectives and the work of school boards - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
School resourcing, rolls, interactions with other schools, and system support - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
2019 was the third year that the Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey (TSP) was available for free use by schools. The questions in this survey draw on a strong body of evidence about effective practices. The TSP asks teachers and principals to rate how often a practice occurs or how well the practice is done.
The Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey tool (TSP) was available for free school use for the second consecutive year in 2018. It was used by 265 schools that wanted an evidence base for understanding and developing their practices for the benefit of students.
This report gives the aggregate picture for those schools. Compared with the national school picture, schools using the TSP included fewer small, rural, decile 1–2 schools, and schools with high Māori enrolment.
There is considerable variability between schools, but overall, school characteristics did not seem to be playing a strong role. This suggests that aspects that are challenging require system-wide support.
Self-Managing schools seven years on - What have we learnt? 1997
This is a comprehensive picture of the current experiences and challenges for secondary schools in New Zealand. It presents the findings from NZCER's national survey of secondary schools, conducted in July and August 2015. It includes the perspectives of principals, teachers, parents and board of trustee members on a wide range of issues.
What lessons can Communities of Learning draw from WAPA 2020, a network of West Auckland schools which have worked together since 2009?
SpringboardTrust is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to improve student outcomes through improving the effectiveness of principals. This is the executive summary of NZCER's evaluation of the short-term impact of its flagship programme, the Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme (SLPP).
This report presents the main findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools, which was conducted in July and August, 2013.
This article is drawn from the Teachers of Promise research which has followed a group of promising teachers, now in their ninth year of teaching. It discusses how school leadership shapes the working environment for teachers.
Secondary schools in 2012 is the latest from NZCER's national survey series.
The survey draws on responses from 177 secondary school principals and from hundreds of teachers, parents and members of boards of trustees. The survey was carried out in July and August 2012. It is part of a national survey series conducted by NZCER since 1989 to track issues and trends across the education system.
There are many positives in the findings but they also highlight persistent concerns about funding levels, workload, support and access to reliable technology.
This research report is the part of a series looking at principal vacancies advertised in the Education Gazette, and contains data on 2009 and 2010 vacancies. It includes analysis of a follow-up survey which asked boards of trustees about the applicants, the appointment and the destinations of the departing principals.