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Charles Darr

Charles is Chief Researcher with a special interest in assessment. He leads projects that inform best practice in assessment, and has extensive experience in assessment design and development.
Charles is currently working in a conceptual leadership role as part of NZCER’s contribution to the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement – Wānangatia Te Putanga Tauira. This sample-based project involves the ongoing monitoring of achievement for students in Year 4 and Year 8 across the breadth of the New Zealand curriculum in English-medium schools. Charles is responsible for the conceptualisation and technical design of NMSSA’s assessment instruments and approaches.
In 2018, Charles was appointed as a member of the Ministerial Advisory Group on the review of NCEA and the Ministerial Advisory Group Curriculum, Progress and Achievement.
Charles presents and writes on assessment issues. He is regularly called on by government and private agencies to provide advice and guidance on assessment design.
Charles has worked at NZCER since 2003. Before that, he spent ten years as a teacher, working mainly in intermediate schools.
Qualifications: B.Sc., Dip.Tchng, M.Ed. (Dist)
Charles's research interests include:
- mathematics education
- test development
- assessment issues
- new technologies on reporting and diagnostic functions of testing.
Darr, C. (2007). PAT: Reading (2006-2007). Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
DONE Bolstad, R., with Gilbert, J., Vaughan, K., Darr, C., & Cooper, G. (2006). Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on 'digital' age learners. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Darr, C. (2006). Frequently asked questions about assessment. set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, 47-48.
Darr, C. (2006). Making sense of measurement scales. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 50-51.
Darr, C. (2006). PAT: Mathematics (revised 2006). Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Darr, C. (2005). Five questions worth asking about self-regulated learning. set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, 32-33.
Darr, C. (2005). Hitchiker's guide to reliability. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 59-60.
Darr, C. (2005). Hitchhiker's guide to validity. set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, 55-56.
Darr, C., Fisher, J. (2005). Self-regulated learning in mathematics classes. set: Research Information for teachers, 2, 44-49.
Darr, C., & Fisher, J. (2004). Self-regulated learning in the mathematics class. Paper presented at the annual conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE), Palmerston North, 24 to 26 November 2004.
Joyce, C., & Darr, C. (2004). Dusting off the teachers manuals. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 55-56.
Darr, C. (2003). An early exploration of a new technology for teachers: asTTle. set: Research Information for Teachers, 1, 10-14.
Darr, C. (2003). The meaning of "equals". set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, 4-7.
Darr, C., & Fisher, J. (2003). The band-aid strip. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 33-39.
Research projects that I am currently leading:
Project | Project leader(s) | Category |
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) | Charles Darr | |
Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) | Charles Darr |