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Submission guidelines - Early Childhood Folio

Early Childhood Folio invites submissions of articles based on quality educational research which reflect current practices and thinking and offer practical advice for teachers. It is used extensively for professional development in the early childhood education sector and also has a growing number of international subscribers.

Referees. All articles are refereed by academics or other recognised experts in the field. All refereeing is double blind.

Editing. All articles are professionally edited.

Length. 4,500 words maximum. This must be strictly adhered to.

Content and style: Articles for Early Childhood Folio should be based on quality educational research. Our readers are primarily early childhood professionals, teacher education students, teacher educators, families and whānau. We need articles that will attract and hold the attention of busy readers. Articles may be based on one research project or on a review of several studies in one area. They should be easy to read and relevant, and should provide practical ideas and suggestions for further reading.

  • Please keep the audience in mind—stress the implications of your research and its relevance for readers. If possible, include suggestions about how insights and findings could be put into practice.
  • The research procedures/methods must be visible, but not necessarily described in detail. Avoid complex statistics, but highlight the implications from them.
  • Articles should use inclusive language.
  • Include one or two diagrams and/or simple tables, charts or graphs, if required.
  • Keep details for the Notes section.
  • Articles may be submitted in English or te reo Māori.

Abstract: Include an abstract of about 100 words

References: Use the APA 7th edition style for references. Please take care to ensure that all references are complete and accurate. For example:

Boulton, H. (2014). ePortfolios beyond pre-service teacher education: A new dawn? European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(3), 374–389.

Carr, M., Clarkin-Phillips, J., Resink, C., Anderson, M., & Jack, T. (2013). Tōku mātauranga oranga: Making visible the learning journey from early childhood education into school. Early Childhood Folio, 17(1), 36–40.

Ritchie, J., & Skerrett, M. (2019). Frayed and fragmented: Te Whāriki unwoven. In A. C. Gunn & J. Nuttall (Eds.), Weaving Te Whāriki. Aotearoa New Zealand's early childhood curriculum document in theory and practice (3rd ed., pp. 73-90). NZCER Press.

Ministry of Education. (2017). Te Whāriki. He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa. Early childhood curriculum.

Biographical details: Include a sentence or two about yourself and indicate your current position.

Copyright: Copyright belongs to individual authors but is assigned to NZCER. Authors will be given an agreement to sign. Writers receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their article appears.

Graphics: Please supply graphics and photos either as hard copy or as pdf, tiff, eps, or jpeg files in a high resolution (c. 600dpi). Please do not supply them embedded in your article or placed in a Word document.

Copy: Please send electronic copy (saved as a Microsoft Word file) by email to:

Linda Mitchell
Division of Education, University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240
Ph: (07) 838 4466

Contact details: Please include your postal address and phone number.


You can download a pdf of submission guidelines here