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Early Childhood Folio vol. 27 no. 1 (2023)


Author(s): Linda Mitchell
Author(s): Joanna Williamson and Amanda White, with Helen Hedges
Stories are one critical aspect of literacy across the life span. For young children, stories invite engagement in shared thinking, and social and emotional connections with others in family homes and early childhood education settings. In this article, we share key findings from two studies that...
Author(s): Hoana McMillan, Tiria Shaw, Heather Patu, Abigail Parekura, Jannalee Hano Tihema, Victoria Urlich, and Kamorah Shaw
The involvement of whānau in the teaching and learning process is important at every juncture of a child’s educational journey. Rich understanding of the curriculum enables whānau to make deep and meaningful contributions to discussions about their child’s development. It also presents an...
Author(s): Chedly Fernando and Janette Kelly-Ware
Kaitiakitanga is promoted in the revised curriculum document Te Whāriki—He Whāriki Mātauranga mō ngā Mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early Childhood Curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2017). The authors give primacy to the Māori worldview of sustainable living through engaging with, and protecting, the...
Author(s): Raella Kahuroa, Jacqui Lees, Tina Johns, Olivia Ng, Nilma Abeyratne
Critical pedagogy has the potential to create transformation experiences within early childhood settings, as educators open up children’s worlds to explore fairness, equity, and democratic participation across issues of interest and relevance to young children. Using a critical inquiry framework,...
Author(s): Sally Peters
The KidsCan ECE programme is designed to remove barriers to participation in early childhood education through the provision of raincoats, shoes, nit treatment products, lunches and snacks. Data from an evaluation of the pilot programme involved surveys and interviews with whānau and teachers....
Author(s): Fiona Fonseka and Janette Kelly-Ware
Inclusive teaching approaches and positive teacher attitudes are vital when creating inclusive early childhood educational (ECE) settings for all children, and especially for children with additional learning needs. This study focused on understanding how teachers nurture and promote the...