Nā Huia Edmond-Smaill te mahi toi, e 8 ōna tau
He aha mātou e whai ai i te rangahau nei?
Mai i te tau 2023, ka whai wāhi Te Takanga o Te Wā me Aotearoa New Zealand's histories ki ngā marau ā-kura o ngā kura katoa. Nō te Poutū-te-rangi o te tau 2022 te kiko o ngā marau i whakaputaina ai e te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga. Ko tā mātou kaupapa rangahau, he whai atu i tētahi tōpūtanga kura, i a rātou e whakatutuki haere ana i te āhua tonu o ngā panonitanga ki te marau, heoi, ka tīmatahia ā mātou mahi rangahau ki ngā kura ara reo Pākehā.
I te tīmatanga, ko tā mātou e whakarite ana, he whai atu i te tōpūtanga o ētahi kura ara reo Pākehā e whakatutuki haere ana i te āhua tonu o ngā panonitanga ki te marau. Ki te mahi mātou me ngā kura ara reo Māori e whakapuaki ana i Te Takanga o Te Wā, ka toro atu mātou mā tētahi atu huarahi, ā, ka whai i tētahi atu tukanga whakamahere. E tūhura tonuhia ana taua huarahi.
He aha ā mātou pātai rangahau?
Kua waihangatia e mātou ngā pātai huritao, pātai whānui tonu mō ngā kura ara reo Pākehā e whakatinana ana i Aotearoa New Zealand's histories i The New Zealand Curriculum.
- He aha ngā wawata o ngā kura me ngā hapori (arā, o ngā kaimahi, ngā ākonga, ngā whānau, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi) mō Aotearoa New Zealand's histories i roto i te marau ā-kura?
- Ka waihanga pēhea nei ngā kura i ā rātou marau e pā ana ki Aotearoa New Zealand's histories, ā, e pēhea nei te āhua i roto i te tangongitanga o ngā horopaki ā-hapori tonu?
- Ka aha ngā kura ki te whakawhanake, te whakahaere, me te whakapūmau i ngā hononga e hāpai ake ai i te marau o Aotearoa New Zealand's histories? (hei tauira, ki te taha o: ngā mātua me ngā whānau; ngā marae, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi; tae atu ki ētahi atu rōpū o te hapori; ki ētahi atu kura o tō rātou Kāhui Ako, me ngā ratonga o te whakawhanaketanga ako ngaio)
- Ka ahuahu pēhea nei te marau ā-kura i te tirohanga a ngā ākonga kanorau me ngā kaiako kanorau ki a rātou anō (ki ō rātou tuakiri), mā roto mai i te tirohanga ki te whenua, ki ētahi atu tāngata hoki?
- Kei te panoni pēhea nei te marau o Aotearoa New Zealand's histories i ngā whakaritenga a te kaiako?
- He aha ngā pou tautoko e whai hua ana ki ngā kaiako me ngā kaiārahi i ngā tū wāhanga o ngā mahi a te kura ki te whakatinana i te marau o Aotearoa New Zealand's histories?
Ko tētahi atu tino pātai, ko te whai pānga o te marau o Aotearoa New Zealand's histories ki ngā hapū me ngā iwi, me ngā mahi ka whāia e ngā kura ki te whakahāngai ake i tā rātou marau ki te hapori. E taea ana tēnei o ngā pātai te tūhura hei wāhanga rānei o te kaupapa rangahau nei, hei kaupapa rangahau kē atu rānei.
E hiahia ana ki te rongo kōrero mai i a mātou, ki te whai wāhi atu rānei ki te rangahau?
Ohaurutia kia whiwhi tāmutumutu koe i ētahi kawerongo ā-īmēra e pā ana ki te kaupapa rangahau nei. Ki te hiahia pea tō kura ki te whai wāhi mai ki te rangahau nei, tēnā koa, whakamōhiotia mai i te wā ka ohauru koe.
Why are we doing this study?
From 2023, Te Takanga o Te Wā and Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories will be part of all kura and schools’ marau ā-kura and local curriculum. The final content was released by the Ministry of Education in March 2022. Our project aims to follow a group of schools, initially in English-medium contexts, as they navigate their way through this curriculum change.
Initially, we plan to follow a group of schools in English-medium contexts as they navigate their way through this curriculum change. A separate engagement and planning process will be used if we are to work with Māori-medium kura that are working with Te Takanga o te Wā. This pathway is still being explored.
What are our research questions?
We have shaped high-level overarching questions for working with English-medium schools that are implementing Aotearoa New Zealand's histories in The New Zealand Curriculum.
- What aspirations do schools and communities (staff, ākonga, whānau, hapū, Iwi) have for Aotearoa New Zealand's histories in localised curriculum?
- How do schools construct their Aotearoa New Zealand's histories curriculum, and what does it look like in a range of local settings?
- How do schools develop, navigate, and sustain relationships to support the Aotearoa New Zealand's histories curriculum? (e.g., with: parents and whānau; marae, hapū, and iwi; other local community groups; other schools in their Kāhui Ako, PLD providers)
- How is localised (Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories) curriculum shaping how diverse students and teachers see themselves (their identity) in relation to the whenua and to other people?
- How is the Aotearoa New Zealand histories curriculum changing teacher practice?
- What supports are effective for teachers and school leaders at different stages of their school’s journey to implement the Aotearoa New Zealand's histories curriculum?
An important additional question is the impact on hapū and iwi of the Aotearoa New Zealand's histories curriculum and how schools localise their curriculum. This question may potentially be explored under the umbrella of this project or through an additional project.
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