We carry out a wide range of evaluations and we provide strategic advice on evaluation for clients wanting to shape their education work. We bring to our evaluation work a deep knowledge of education pedagogy, expertise across a range of education areas, and the latest thinking on assessment.
Our strengths include:
- Well established relationships and networks in the education sector
- The ability to bring together large qualitative and quantitative teams
- Experience with mixed methodologies and utilisation-focused approaches
- Kaupapa Māori evaluation and monitoring approaches
NZCER also has its own educational tools and resources which can be used in evaluations, including:
- Assessment tools that can be used to track student learning
- Surveys such as student engagement, student wellbeing and educational leadership.
We also develop evaluative tools to suit the needs of clients.
We have thought a lot about our approach over many evaluations and have developed some guiding principles. Key among these are:
Quality - we have robust ethics processes and quality assurance guidelines
Building capability - we work alongside clients to strengthen their evaluative capability
Knowledge generation - we want our evaluations to generate knowledge for the organisation and also contribute to the knowledge base across and beyond the education sector.
You can read more in our evaluation brochure.