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Curriculum and assessment

Curriculum and assessment

Breaking down formative assessment

Breaking down formative assessment

Formative assessment part 2: Do you plan to collect information ‘on the go’? Often it comes down to finding just the right activity, or question, that has a good match with the agreed learning intention. 

Teachers need resources that are designed to be a part of their normal classroom programme.

. ‘…much of what teachers and learners do in classrooms can be described as assessment. That is, tasks and questions prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills…’  TKI: Assessment for Learning 10 principles 

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Assessment on the go - gathering assessment data while you're teaching

Assessment on the go

Formative assessment part 1:  how might you gather assessment data while you're teaching.

Assessment is:

‘all those activities undertaken by teachers, and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes ‘formative assessment’ when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching work to meet the needs ’ (Black & Williams, 1998, p2).

Breaking down formative assessment

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Interpreting aggregated National Standards data: a thought experiment

Interpreting aggregated National Standards data: a thought experiment

Recently, there has been some public debate about the 2012 National Standards results, how these stack up against the results from 2011, and what they mean. But interpreting National Standards results is difficult and the debate sometimes lacks depth.

Recently, there has been some public debate about the 2012 National Standards results, how these stack up against the results from 2011, and what they mean. But interpreting National Standards results is difficult and the debate sometimes lacks depth.

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