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Valerie N Podmore
Taking Care of Themselves: Children can do better than we think
Transition to School from Pacific Early Childhood Centres
The “child’s questions”: Programme evaluation with Te Whāriki using “Teaching Stories"
Book review; Weaving Te Whāriki
“Relationships and interactions”: a research project on Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education (SPACE) programme in a Playcentre
Transitions Within the Centre & to School: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centre
Junior School Class Size: Where are we now?
This review of research looks not only at the effects of class size on children's academic success but also at children's behaviour, teacher stress, cost effectiveness and the unique characteristics of small classes.
Fencing In, Turning Down, Belting Up: Early Childhood Injury Prevention
What are the best ways of preventing and coping with injuries to small children? Parents, trained teachers, and supervisors of early childhood centres were questioned. This research was carried out for the N.Z. Accident Compensation Corporation.
Transition to school from Pacific Early Childhood Centres
When young children move from one educational setting to another, it is important to understand the context of their prior experiences. Most children starting primary school have already experienced transition. Early childhood transitions include starting at an early childhood service or centre, and moving sequentially or concurrently from one early childhood service or centre to another.