The tests can only be completed online.
- Each student will need a computer device, preferably with a full size screen. The tests will run on IPAD tablets or chromebooks. Be aware that the smaller the screen size, that more difficult it will be for students to read the text.
- All questions are automatically marked.
- Scale scores and reports are available as soon as your students have completed the test.
You can administer the test at any time during the school year.
- The trial to gather data to establish test norms was conducted in March 2017. If tests are used at the end of the school year, your students will be closer in age to the next year level up, and you should consider comparing your students to the norms for the next year level.
- Read the full administration details.
The tests take an hour to run.
- Allow 15 minutes for test set up and administration and 45 minutes testing time.
There are three tests, each with 30 questions.
- The first test (JS1) is recommended for Year 4, the second test (JS2) for Year 5, and the third test (JS3) for Year 6.
- In each test there is a range of interactive question types including:
- multiple choice, dragging and dropping, selecting the correct image, filling in blanks in sentences, and sorting images.
- We recommend teachers make sure students practise each question type before starting the test.
Next page: Which test should I use?