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The most gratifying academic research is that which helps to confirm something we already suspected to be true. That is why Dr Scott Armstrong, Associate Professor of Management at the Wharton School...

In order to convey information and notions about time adults use a complex set of conventions. Of interest is children's ability to grasp and use these conventions.

Pupils with IQs in the range 70- 90 are usually in regular secondary school classes. They make up some 5% to 10% of the average first year high school intake. Such pupils are frequently reported...

These scales are designed to obtain teacher estimates of a student's characteristics in the areas of learning, motivation, creativity, and leadership. The items are derived from the research...

We have all had the experience at some time of being given a good test which has been ruined or just made less 'do-able' by clumsy layout and unsatisfactory reproduction. Poor layout and...

There are pitfalls when immigrant and minority language students are given psychological tests. Educators in many countries are becoming aware of them. In Canada, for example, most of the school...

This item contains a short list of words about computers in education, then a computerese glossary light-heartedly compiled by Jef Raskin and first published in Apple, Vol.1, No.1, reprinted by...

Vertical grouping in secondary schools usually involves a 'house' system, where the school population is divided into roughly equal cross-sections, and within each house are an equal...

One of our more persistent beliefs is that New Zealand children have the best health standards in the world. But now, on all sides, evidence is accumulating that conditions for children and...

A.R. Luria, the great Soviet psychologist, died recently. Lurra and other members of the Moscow school of psychology developed a theory about the relationship between speech and behaviour which...