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Sheridan McKinley

Nō te tau 2017 i tīmata ai a Sheridan i Te Wāhanga. He kaiako kura tuatahi, tumuaki kura kaupapa Māori, kaiwhakangungu kaiako, kairangahau hoki a Sheridan i ngā tau kua pahure. Kua mahi anō hoki ia hei kai tā rauemi mō ngā kura reo Māori.
Sheridan joined Te Wāhanga in 2017. She has a background in primary school teaching, initial and inservice teacher education, bilingual education and kura kaupapa Māori, education research and evaluation, and education publishing for Māori medium schools.
Sheridan has an MA (Applied Linguistics), Victoria University of Wellington; a BA (Education), Massey University; Higher Dip Tchg and a Cert in Bilingual Tchg, University of Waikato; Dip Tchg (Primary), Wellington College of Education.
Research projects that I am currently leading:
Project | Project leader(s) | Category |
He Tīrewa Ako |
Research outputs
Year published | Title | Publication type | Category |
2022 | Determining How Learning is Progressing – Options for Calibrating Teacher Judgements | Research report | |
2022 | New Zealand Curriculum Refresh: Progressions Approach | Research report | |
2022 | Springboard Trust Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme: Gaining insight into the experiences of Māori leaders and capacity partners | Research report | |
2018 | He Reo Ora: Māori-language revitalisation activities and resources in homes and communities | Research report | |
2000 | Māori parents and education/Ko ngā mātua Māori me te mātauranga | Research report |