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Middle-level leaders in schools have a critical role in mentoring teachers as they work with the teaching-as-inquiry process. One-to-one interactions and professional conversations with each...

In recent times a lot of attention has been focused on the importance of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge for teachers of reading. This article presents the argument...
This is the first of two articles about student inquiry and curriculum integration. These articles aim to help educators to consider the ideas about learning that underpin different integrated and...
This article presents three lessons from the legacy of past examples of curriculum integration (CI) in Aotearoa New Zealand, with the aim of helping teachers who wish to use CI to support inquiry...
Connecting Curriculum; Connecting Learning was a 2-year research project conducted by the authors in conjunction with eight teachers across five primary schools in New Zealand. This...
There is limited research to support our understanding of values implementation in New Zealand schools. This article draws on findings from a recent Teaching and Learning Research...
Feeling respected is important to students. Classroom respect, crucial for creating effective teacher−student relationships, is essential for maximising achievement. This article...
This article describes a study in which a mirror was held up to the complexities of classroom interactions across cultures. Both the teachers and Pasifika students were able to discuss...
This article discusses some findings from recent studies on the mental health of young people. It then uses findings from an evaluation of Travellers—an early intervention programme for secondary...
Juliet Twist of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research responds to a question from Juliet Pendleton of Pt Chevalier School: "Given that the move towards purpose-based teaching for...
In term 3, 2012, 22 teacher-assessors collected data from 5,000 children in 200 schools around the country. The information they collected will inform the education community in New...