'Who cares for the caregiver?'. American researcher and' grand old man' of family studies, Urie Bronfenbrenner, asked that question at the Second Early Childhood Convention in 1979. He suggested...
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Currently in secondary schools a special time allowance of 'up to five weekly teaching half days beyond regulation staffing' is available 'to permit schools to employ part time teachers when...
Finding out how much your pupils know - how many points they can recall, the number of words mis-spelled, the number of problems solved correctly - this is comparatively easy and there is an...
In 1985, I had the opportunity to visit, across four states of Australia, twenty primary schools interested in using computers as part of the school curriculum. In eighteen of these schools the...
This article is not intended to be a series of handy hints on choosing between specific brands of microcomputers or different word processing programs. That sort of information is best obtained...
The study of children's mathematical behaviour goes back many years. Piaget in the 1930s used clinical interviews to unearth children's ideas about number. Earlier than this, Brueckner had used...
For years I've had vague feelings of disquiet about my teaching of science and I couldn't work out what was worrying me. I read up the Units beforehand to see the scientific facts the children...
Just when can children take charge of their own health? New research shows that, even at age 5, children are quite clued up on ways to keep well. In our study we talked to 53 Wellington children...
It is generally the case that teachers, instructing young children to read single words, present these sight-words in the company of pictures representing the same objects. For example, when...
Tertiary education should give students (1) the general ability to think critically and independently and, (2) competencies in at least one specialised discipline. Unfortunately, if tertiary...
Is classroom interaction research worth the effort involved? Up till recently the main result of decades of work seemed to be that 'time on task' was the only thing you could be sure about: the...
When we look at recent research on reading acquisition, there has only been one exciting show to watch, and that has been the debate between Ken Goodman and Phil Gough. Ken Goodman's (1967) paper...
Decoding has always been controversial. Rather than an ally, it has often been seen as the enemy of comprehension. The problem is that poor comprehenders are usually poor decoders as welt which...