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Author(s): NZCER

A recent American survey conducted by Ann Terry and published by the National Council of Teachers of English was designed to:
1. Determine what kinds of poetry were most enjoyed by children...

Author(s): Michael R. Raugh and Richard C. Atkinson

Many students have difficulty mastering the vocabulary of a foreign language. This report describes the keyword method, which appears to facilitate the learning of new words quite dramatically.

Author(s): David Greene and Mark R. Lepper

David Greene and Mark Lepper are psychologists whose research on motivation has led to a concern that, by using external rewards more often than necessary, teachers may lessen the intrinsic...

Author(s): C.M.L. Miller and M. Parlett

A recent Society for Research into Higher Education report reveals striking variations in the way students react to and prepare for examinations, the authors of this report, Miller and Parlett,...

Author(s): A. Rudd

Teaching standards are higher when teachers work in teams instead of staying in individual classrooms, according to a recent report from the National Foundation for Educational Research.

Author(s): Bullock Committee of Inquiry

The Bullock Committee of Inquiry was set up by Mrs Margaret Thatcher, then Secretary of State for Education, in 1972. The establishment of the committee followed closely on the publication of the...

Author(s): Margaret Beckingham

The topic of 'corporal punishment' and 'discipline' is difficult to deal with as it is always highly coloured by the emotional extreme from which a participant in a discussion considers it. I do...

Author(s): Times Educational Supplement
Author(s): Colin Cowie

In this bulletin an attempt has been made to explain what is meant by the term intelligence, and to answer some of the queries concerning intelligence tests which teachers and principals often...

Author(s): David Barney, David E. Day and Robert Sheehan

Noise is, or can be, a source of constant difficulty in a pre-school institution, affecting the health and behaviour of both teachers and children, and making it difficult if not impossible to...

Author(s): Robert Cannon

Individualized learning is the designing and implementing of courses or sections of courses in formats suitable for individual, independent study. It involves clearly specifying what students must...

Author(s): Cedric Croft

In the last few years there have been signs of a new interest, both in New Zealand and overseas, in the teaching of spelling. This is evident in the amount of space American and English journals...

Author(s): Warwick B. Elley

The assertion above was made, not in 1976, but over 40 years ago, in a review of the research on ability grouping published in 1932. Are we any further ahead today? Issues of grouping and...

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Author(s): K.A. Pickens

The research on the effects of open plan classrooms on children's learning and behaviour is still very limited in scope. In particular, not enough studies have been done to enable us to generalize...

Author(s): K. A. Pickens

In our society abuse and misuse of drugs - including alcohol and tobacco -is not confined solely to young people, but it is evidence of illicit drug usage and experimentation among young people...