E te whānau o Set: Research Information for Teachers, tēnā koutou. Nau mai haere mai ki te whakaputanga tuatahi mō te tau 2022. E ngā kaituhi, he mihi nui ki a koutou mō ō koutou rangahau hou. He mihi maioha ki te rangatira, Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke, me te whānau i Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako o te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, mō te tuhituhinga hira, “Ko Ngā Kete o te Wānanga: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Mātauranga Māori”. The opening article by Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke and co-authors makes a significant contribution to education in Aotearoa. Insights from kaumātua, tohunga and Māori academics are woven with those of the authors to explore the concepts of mātauranga Māori and mana ōrite. They share what it means to bring the words together—mana ōrite me mātauranga Māori—both conceptually and practically. Exemplary lesson plans are outlined for several curriculum areas. Teachers are encouraged to progress further, overcoming challenges along the journey, like Tāne Nui a Rangi.