Concern about disruptive behaviour has increased dramatically in the last decade. Three reasons are often put forward for this.
(i) Disruptive behaviour in schools is the inevitable manifestation of increased violence or at least of increased reporting of violence, in the world as a whole.
(ii) At a time when teachers feel that their achievements are being questioned and their autonomy threatened, it is understandable that they in turn should publicise the problems which prevent them attaining the high standards to which they, and society, aspire.
(iii) Existing services have apparently failed to solve the problem, even though expansion in these services has been as great as in any area of education. In spite of increases in places at special schools, increases in the ranks of child psychiatrists, social workers responsible for children, educational psychologists, visiting teachers and guidance counsellors (a 'veritable army' of helping professions) demand for facilities for problem pupils continues to exceed supply.
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