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Editorial: Curriculum research and “glocal” potential

Jane Abbiss

Curriculum studies is a field of educational endeavour that presents a wide range of issues and questions relating to curriculum. To answer these questions, a variety of research is undertaken, including theoretical and empirical examinations of curriculum-related problems and challenges, which may take the form of larger or smaller scale studies that canvas issues globally, nationally, or locally. Curriculum research is carried out by academics, teacher educators, educational researchers, and teacher researchers in schools and early childhood centres. Much, but not all, research that is published in Curriculum Matters is local in nature—concerned with illuminating curriculum questions and related practice challenges and the implications of these in particular educational settings. In recognising the varied nature of curriculum research, it is pertinent to consider how curriculum research informs practice in context and also the potential for it to make a contribution to a wider knowledge base by making global connections. The concept of “glocal” research provides a touchstone to consider how curriculum researchers can find the global in their own local experience and research, and how those researching across contexts and at national and international levels can achieve local relevance.

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