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Ko ngā kete o te wānanga: A beginner’s guide to understanding mātauranga Māori

Te Hurinui Renata Karaka-Clarke, Bryanna Bell, Lizzy Eddy, Marie Kennedy-Benns, Abby Robertson, and Grace Schrader Manuera

The Ministry of Education’s recent changes to NCEA to incorporate mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori has become the source of consternation for many kaiako in secondary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. Kaiako are struggling to understand what integrating mana ōrite and mātauranga Māori into their programmes looks like. This article is intended as a lay person’s guide to understanding two things. First, what the terms mana ōrite and mātauranga Māori are, and secondly, what mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori may look like in their programmes of study.

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