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“Respect” is a value that underpins Pasifika ways of being, Pasifika learner success and wellbeing, and strong home–school partnerships with Pasifika families and communities. When teachers...
This article describes a study that captured the voices of six Niuean boys and their views on senior secondary schooling and the pursuit of higher education in New Zealand. Their tutala give...
Pacific students’ success has been under discussion by Pacific scholars for decades and, using traditional academic measures, their academic success does not compare well with other ethnic groups...

If schools wish to be more inclusive by reflecting the communities they serve, paying deliberate attention to embedded values can be helpful. This article describes thinking and actions set in a...
Common approaches to language teaching in many New Zealand schools typically show a lack of attention to students’ own language-learning strategies. This article argues that the success or...
Adding Digital Technologies curriculum content into primary classrooms may feel, to many primary teachers, like a new burden and more work—but many aspects of computational thinking can be...
Jade Speaks Up is an Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)-funded programme. It supports teachers to use process drama and other activities to introduce the topic of domestic violence while at...
The New Zealand Government has announced a change package in response to a recent review of the National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA). In this article Charles Darr, a chief...