The tests provide evidence of learning in science
This assessment is intended to help teachers gather evidence of learning in science. Schools can monitor student progress, or compare students’ results against a national sample.
Junior Science: Thinking with Evidence is a standardised science assessment designed for students in Years 4, 5, and 6.
The tests link to science in The New Zealand Curriculum
- Like the Year 7-10 version, Junior Science: Thinking with Evidence is designed to assess how students use evidence to think about scientific contexts and issues, rather than assessing science facts.
- Items draw on contexts from all contextual strands (Living World, Material World, Physical World, and Planet Earth and Beyond).
- Questions model the Nature of Science strand by focusing on the science capabilities.
- Engaging contexts range from the familiar in the first test (JS1) to the unfamiliar and more complex for older students. Teachers can use or adapt ideas for their own science lessons.
The tests are designed to be used formatively
Formative assessment resources can be accessed through each school’s reports section on the NZCER Marking website.
Used formatively the reports can help teachers:
- Identify patterns in strengths and weaknesses in science understanding and capability
- determine next steps for student learning
- find links to similar questions and further resources
Next page: What are the features of the tests?