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Dr Sally Peters is a leading researcher in transitions from early childhood education to primary school. She recently co-edited a special issue of set’s sister journal, Early Childhood Folio,...
New entrants encounter many new routines and different approaches to learning when they start school. This study aimed to identify the role of peer learning in helping new entrants to learn at...
Key strategies and principles for leading transformative change to enable technology-rich learning for students and teachers within the school community are described in this case-study research....
The Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum and national curricula identify the need for students to be connected, caring and active contributors to their own, others, and wider community...
Many teachers are familiar with the characteristics of culturally responsive pedagogy, which include an ethic of care based on deep relations underlying all classroom interactions, power sharing...

Ambitious mathematics teaching involves skilled ways of eliciting and responding to each and every student in the class so that they learn worthwhile mathematics and come to view themselves as...
This article reports on a New Zealand study with 5- and 6-year-old children that focused on the use of multiplication and division word problems to build part–whole thinking. Using a design...
PAT: Mathematics tests have been around since 1974, and are used in thousands of New Zealand classrooms. In this article we outline the history of the tests, then describe some recent and ongoing...