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Outdoor education is often perceived as a series of activities involving novel physical challenges in remote settings or at specialist residential camps. Unfortunately, such experiences...
Student-centred approaches to learning are gaining increasing national and international attention. For many teachers, more democratic teaching designs require a shift in thinking and...
Literacy and numeracy are high-stakes, and we do our students a disservice if we do not grow their capabilities in these areas. However, we also do them an immense disservice if we...
How well is your school student management system (SMS) being used, by whom, and to do what? Principal and teacher responses to questions about this in the 2012 National Survey of...

This article reports on a study, funded by the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI), which addressed the key area of early career teacher education. The study researched the...
Picture books are ubiquitous in Western early childhood and primary settings. This article explores how picture books are being used in culturally and linguistically diverse settings, by...
The Progressive Achievement Test of Mathematics (PAT: Mathematics) provides norm-referenced information about students’ level of achievement in the skills and understanding of mathematics. This...
Q: Our school is in the process of targeting writing achievement for students in Years 1 through to 8. Students in my Years 5 and 6 class who were below or well below the writing standard at the...