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The COMPASS project is part of NZCER’s Te Pae Tawhiti Government Grant programme of research. It is also aligned to the broad goals and aspirations of NZCER, in that its overarching purpose is to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the notion of Whakatere Tōmua—Wayfinding.
From 1973 to 1979, Dr Richard Benton and his team interviewed 6,470 Māori families throughout the North Island of New Zealand.
Ngā kairangahau
Ngā whai painga o Te Ao Haka: The positive impacts of Te Ao Haka for ākonga, whānau, and kaiako is a kaupapa Māori research study from Te Wāhanga.
Te reo and mātauranga Māori are linked to a distinctive Māori identity and ways of being in the world.
Ka nui te rekareka o Te Wāhanga ki te tuku i tēnei putanga motuhake o set, ko Te Haere a ngā Ākonga Māori i ngā Ara Rapu Mātauranga te arotahinga.
Whānau are integral to the educational wellbeing of Māori students in English-medium education. However, very little Māori educational research has been carried out with an explicit focus on identifying the critical issues for whānau in education.