The stress on 'getting your qualifications' has become such a dogma that in New Zealand secondary pupils recently received a personal letter from the Minister of Education encouraging them to stay...
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Improved energy management in schools would produce significant cost savings. Only a small number of schools will make big savings but a large number of schools will be able to make worthwhile...
RECORDS, tapes and radio are central to adolescent experience and a key part is MTV - musical television - and its staple, the music video clip. 'MTV' itself is a 24-hour, non-stop, commercial...
'The more socially unacceptable smoking becomes in adult society the more attractive it appears to the younger generation'. This was the comment of a South Auckland intermediate school principal...
It is in the family that children learn the skills and knowledge necessary to get along. Most children in fact become pretty competent in both their own family group and in larger social groups...
This story about sex-stereotyping was used by two American researchers to illustrate the persistence in United States' schools of traditional ideas on sex roles. But it could have come from a New...
Nine out of ten children change from one school to another as they go from primary to secondary school. There is much discontinuity at the divide for the children, reinforced by the way in which...
In 1984, in one hundred Form 2 (Year 7) classes and in one hundred Form 5 (Year 10) classes throughout New Zealand, six thousand children wrote three pieces each. Their work was collected and the...
Believing that it is our responsibility to address from our particular disciplines the most dangerous and destructive activities of our species, violence and war; recognising that science is a...
No matter where you go in the world, secondary schools have a lot in common. This article describes high schools in the USA, but the description of the good news and the bad, problems and...
Therese: Because, you know, Maoris are considered to be pretty dumb, you know. I've always had this strong desire to be a criminal defence lawyer, but that's a pretty high class job!
In 1990 it may be relatively easy to set up state-funded schools in New Zealand which do not teach in English. Although many countries have parallel school systems teaching in different languages...
Learning only testable facts will not be enough for survival. Learning fact-finding skills will not be enough. Independent thinking, being able to make good decisions, having clear values and a...
Early this century one particular piece of 'wisdom' about human nature gained endorsement from very different sources. These suggested that early characteristics, whether genetically or...