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Author(s): Rod Orange

Vertical grouping in secondary schools usually involves a 'house' system, where the school population is divided into roughly equal cross-sections, and within each house are an equal number of...

Author(s): Tom Fitzgerald

One of our more persistent beliefs is that New Zealand children have the best health standards in the world. But now, on all sides, evidence is accumulating that conditions for children and...

Author(s): Reg Marsh

A.R. Luria, the great Soviet psychologist, died recently. Lurra and other members of the Moscow school of psychology developed a theory about the relationship between speech and behaviour which...

Author(s): Peter Hawkins

The value of speaking with a regional accent is something which is subject to fashion: today, an accent tends to be valued as a mark of individuality in an increasingly mono-cultural and...

Author(s): W. Campbell and B. Boston

In 1973 the Department of University Extension, Massey University, commenced a 2 year part-time correspondence course leading to  the award of certificates in early childhood education or early...

Author(s): Nina Stutz

Once upon a time the animals decided they must do something decisive if they were ever to solve the problems created by the growing complexity of their society. They set up a working party and,...

Author(s): Des Walsh

Specific learning disability (SLD) is one of the most discussed and studied topics in the field of educational psychology; at the same time, it is easily one of the most confused of questions,...

Author(s): Virginia Makins, Andree Brooks

Three short articles:

"In the real world you can't say cereal when you mean shampoo" by Virginia Makins

"Reading through the little screen" by Andree Brooks


Author(s): Cedric Croft

In recent years there has been a veritable explosion in the range of instructional materials produced for classroom use: reading laboratories, spelling laboratories, study skill schemes,...

Author(s): Rae Julian

Family day-care (child-minding in private homes) is probably the most widespread form of day-care in New Zealand and it is possibly the one which has been with us the longest. It is not subject...

Author(s): Sherida Bush

Finding a way to predict a parent's potential for child abuse or neglect is now a real possibility. Researchers at the University of Washington, Seattle, have had encouraging success in...

Author(s): Neville Bennett

Advocates of progressive teaching methods claim that these foster the social and emotional development of children without in any way hindering their academic progress. Critics of the 'new'...