This paper is an evaluation that follows on from the findings of the 2007 exploratory study about Home-School Partnership: Numeracy (HSPN). This evaluation explored the roles of the lead team and the sustainability of the initiative.
Three key themes emerged:
- The role that the lead parents play in HSPN, the challenges of recruiting lead parents, and the need for further consideration of the training and support needs of these parents;
- The nature of the partnerships that develop through the HSPN and the processes that support of hinder a partnership in which the skills and expertise of both parties are utilised
- Longer term sustainability of HSPN.
Although many schools did not have the resources to continue the complete HSPN model, the findings suggest that Home-School Partnership: Numeracy acted as a catalyst that supported schools to reframe and improve the way they connect with parents.
The full paper is published in: Findings from the Numeracy Development Projects 2007, 157-174. Wellington: Learning Media Limited.
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Research report
Learning Media Limited.
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