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School governance and management
School governance and management
Trustees' perspectives and the work of school boards - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
School resourcing, rolls, interactions with other schools, and system support - findings from the NZCER 2019 National survey of English-medium primary schools
Better student support but 72% of primary principals think too much is being asked of schools
Results from NZCER’s latest 3-yearly National Survey of English-medium primary schools show that more attention is being paid to improving the school experiences and outcomes for Māori students, Pacific students, and students with disabilities or learning support needs in 2019 compared with 2016.
Our education system responded to COVID-19. How will it respond to climate change?
It remains to be seen how the COVID-19 response will change the education system. It is timely to consider how education might respond to another major threat to our collective wellbeing— climate change. Rachel Bolstad, Senior Researcher introduces our latest findings on climate change and sustainability in schools.
We’ve experienced significant disruptions to schools, businesses, and everyday life as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve seen people and systems adapt quickly to a highly unusual situation. Schools, whānau, and education sector organisations across Aotearoa have mobilised resources, thought creatively, worked collaboratively, and responded compassionately to make things work.
Climate change and sustainability in primary and intermediate schools report
Just released: Teaching, School and Principal Leadership Practices (TSP) survey 2019
NZCER is pleased to provide the aggregate report for the 236 schools that used the Teaching, School and Leadership Practices (TSP) survey tool in 2019.
This free online survey tool is designed to provide useful information for school inquiry, review and development. 2019 was the third year the survey tool has been available free for schools to use.