NZCER is pleased to provide the aggregate report for the 236 schools that used the Teaching, School and Leadership Practices (TSP) survey tool in 2019.
This free online survey tool is designed to provide useful information for school inquiry, review and development. 2019 was the third year the survey tool has been available free for schools to use.
The TSP survey questions draw on a strong body of evidence about effective practices that are important for teaching and learning in Aōtearoa New Zealand schools.
The 2019 aggregate picture is consistent with those for 2018 and 2017. Little changed over this period in on-the-ground support for schools.
There are many areas of strength such as teachers reporting that they can improve the learning outcomes of all the students they teach and that they feel responsible for the wellbeing of all the students they teach.
Challenges continue around the embedding of the newer or less familiar aspects of the New Zealand Curriculum (such as ensuring students think critically and talk about what and how they are learning), practices that support Māori student belonging and success, and how schools organize time so that teachers have more time to carry out inquiry and work together in ways that benefit student leaning.
The 2019 TSP aggregate picture does show somewhat higher ratings for the benefits of Kāhui Ako participation. But it shows fewer principals than in 2017 feeling they could schedule enough time for their educational leadership, had a sustainable workload, or were supported by the regional Ministry of Education to do their job effectively.
Find the 2019 aggregate and previous reports on the TSP project page here.