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Families and communities
Families and communities
Inclusionary early childhood centre policy and procedures: An examination of policies and enrolment protocols
“Don’t eat other people’s lunch”: Children’s views of starting school
Book review; Weaving Te Whāriki
Theoretical approaches to transition
School Aquatic Education Programmes and Pools
A health promoting schools approach to bullying
Media headlines ensure that we are constantly reminded of the presence of bullying in our schools. This article draws on responses to a national survey on barriers to student learning. The strategies that primary and secondary schools that responded are implementing to address bullying are discussed in relation to the approach known as “health promoting schools”—an approach that is internationally recognised for its effectiveness in addressing mental health issues in schools.
Partnerships with parents: Children with special education needs starting primary school
This study investigated the practices involved in the transition to school for children with a range of special education needs. Certain factors emerged as most important for a successful transition, including good ongoing communication and collaboration between families and schools. Teachers’ use of differentiation practices was also beneficial. The article concludes that the critical factor for successful transitions was high levels of communication and collaboration leading to good home–school partnerships.