As we bring you this first issue of set for 2007, a number of key issues for education have already emerged and as the year goes on we will bring you both research and informed comment on these and other issues.
As we bring you this first issue of set for 2007, a number of key issues for education have already emerged and as the year goes on we will bring you both research and informed comment on these and other issues.
Set: Research Information for Teachers is constantly evolving as we bring you articles that address contemporary issues in education and touch on the areas that concern you. We are committed to making new research accessible to you. This commitment is shared by our authors who see set as one of their key means of making their findings available to teachers.
In this, the final of issue of set for 2007 we bring you a rich variety of articles that highlight both some key issues in education and the changing environment that we work in.
As this issue goes to press, the new national curriculum has recently been launched. To mark the significance of this we bring you an expanded “He Whakaaro Anō” section. There are three thought-provoking pieces that raise some possible implications for both students and teachers.
We are pleased to bring you the first issue of what we hope will be another source of stimulating research reading during 2008. Wherever there’s good research we’ll find it (with apologies to TVNZ) and bring it to you. Our aim is to keep at the leading edge of developments in education. In the final issue for 2007 we led the way with three commentaries on the new curriculum and we will keep this focus in 2008.
This issue brings you a diverse range of articles related to the new curriculum. We began this focus in issue No. 3 in 2007 with a number of commentaries. This time we can provide insights from emerging research on implementation.
This has been an excellent year for set: Research Information for Teachers. We have received positive feedback from our readers; researchers have provided us, often unsolicited, worthwhile and thought-provoking items for publication; and our reviewers have ensured that the usual high quality of articles has been maintained.
We’ve taken a longer time than usual to prepare this issue of set: Research Information for Teachers because we have been working on updating its look so that the articles are more accessible and readable. We hope you think it has been worth the effort. Key information now appears at the beginning of each article for readers who like to do a quick skim over a cup of tea or those who like to get an overview before they do a “deep” read.
Male teachers, school fires, science education, raising possibilities for Māori students, John Hattie on teacher effectiveness—these are all part of the rich smorgasbord of articles in this issue of set: Research Information for Teachers. There are plenty of research “calories” here.
We are at the end of another year and this brings the final issue of set: Research Information for Teachers for 2009.
There is a rich variety of topics in this issue of set: Research Information for Teachers, with research reported from junior primary to senior secondary, and with themes intersecting these sectors: the use of ICT, literacy learning, and student engagement. These themes are particularly topical in the current educational environment.