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Susan Lovett
Leadership for learning: What it means for teachers
Schools as professional learning communities for early career teachers: how do early-career teachers rate them?
Career pathways: Does remaining close to the classroom matter for early career teachers? A study of practice in New Zealand and the USA.
Teachers’ talk helps learning: The quality learning circle approach
The quantity and pace of current learning agendas for staff development mean that time is seriously limited for teachers to share ideas and concerns about their classroom practices. Eight teachers using a quality learning circle approach show how their learning is enhanced through opportunities for structured, focused and regular talk with one another. This approach demonstrates teacher enthusiasm, commitment, and ownership of very successful learning journeys, using the National Education Monitoring Project reports as the central focus.
Starting out in teaching: Surviving or thriving as a new teacher
Starting out in teaching is "scary" for most new teachers. Here, the practices that beginning teachers found most supportive are highlighted.