In 2022, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) identified a range of schools at which the University Entrance (UE) attainment of ākonga Māori and Pacific students was at least 10% higher than their decile (now EQI) band average.
In 2023, NZQA asked Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa NZCER to work with six of these higher UE attainment schools to explore how they support ākonga Māori and Pacific students to attain UE.
In terms of laying the foundation for Aotearoa New Zealand to grow a more culturally representative workforce and to become a more equitable society, the six secondary schools that took part in this study are leading the way.
Key findings:
This report identifies five foundational conditions needed for schools to support high UE attainment for ākonga Māori and Pacific students:
- establishing and maintaining meaningful staff and student, and school and whānau, relationships
- understanding the importance of culture and the need to ensure that the school environment affirms the languages, identities, and cultures of ākonga Māori and Pacific students
- holding high expectations for all students
- ensuring students are taught by effective teachers
- having effective school leaders who prioritise equity.
The research also found the six schools employed a variety of initiatives and approaches to support high UE attainment for ākonga Māori and Pacific students. These fell into five broad categories:
- Developing leadership systems, roles, and opportunities that prioritise relationships, learning, and achievement
- Using achievement data in a responsive way to set and review targets, identify and respond to needs, and allocate resources
- Designing pathways to UE that reduce barriers
- Starting students early on a pathway to UE
- Supporting students to stay on a pathway to UE.
The initiatives and approaches employed in these six schools show other secondary schools, policy makers, and universities what it takes to improve equity for ākonga Māori and Pacific students, and that it can be done.