Competent Learners @ 14 is the latest research in the longitudinal Competent Children/Learners project which, since 1993, has tracked the development of a group of around 500 children from near-5 through school.
The overall project analyses the impact of different experiences and resources on a range of competencies, and what can help narrow the gaps between children.
At age 14, students have made the transition to secondary school and, in most cases, reached mid-adolescence in good shape. The findings show reasonably strong connections between earlier performance and performance at age 14, and highlight the importance of:
- quality early childhood education
- good early foundations for learning, particularly in reading and mathematics
- reading, especially an enjoyment of reading
- positive learning environments and engagement in learning
- the inter-relationship of school and home
- teachers and parents – they make a difference.
Year published:
Publication type:
Research report
Ministry of Education
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