This report is the second evaluation of the Books in Homes scheme, which encourages reading by giving books to school children. The scheme is an initiative to improve the literacy skills, reading habits, and general familiarity with print, of children in decile 1-3 schools.
The project was based on a stratified sample of 40 decile 1 schools. It assesses Year 5 students' reading performance and analyses responses to questionnaires from students, teachers and principals.
The study compared data from the first* study, and investigated the effectiveness of the scheme according to the length of time the schools have been in the scheme. Also, the results were analysed for the effectiveness of integration into classroom reading programmes.
*The first evaluation was: (1997) Elley, Warwick B. An evaluation of Alan Duff's "Books in homes" programme. Final report. Ministry of Education. 41p.