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A constellation of prospects: A review of the secondary-tertiary alignment resource (STAR)

Karen Vaughan and Natasha Kenneally

The aim of the Secondary-Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) programme is to enable schools to facilitate smooth transition and access from schooling to assist student transition to further education or employment.

This evaluation of STAR was undertaken to provide sound information on the operation of STAR in schools and gather the views of key stakeholders (students, teachers, tertiary providers, and industry/employers) on how successfully STAR achieves its aims.

It also identified and collected data on outcome measures that could help assess how successfully STAR is meeting its objectives.

The ten recommendations made in the report have resulted in significant changes to STAR's operation and organisation.

Year published: 
Publication type: 
Research report
NZCER for the Ministry of Education
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Karen Vaughan
Natasha Kenneally