This report is the fourth in the Competent Children longitudinal study. It describes and analyses the factors which can make a difference to children's scores at age 10.
The study has followed about 500 New Zealand children over five years, and has been able to look at the relationship of earlier experiences and resources to children's current competency levels.
These included early childhood education, family income levels and changes in these over time, changes in families, how children initially took to school, and how they used their time, such as their use of mathematics in the home, or how long they spent watching television at age 5.
The analysis also includes children's current experiences in and out of school, and their feelings about school and home.
The report indicates some underlying principles or threads which can provide children with solid knowledge and confidence, and challenge them to go further.
Full report
The full report is downloadable [ PDF, 17MB ]: Competent children at 10: Families, early education, and schools.