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Marie Cameron

Marie is an independent researcher and educational consultant. She has expertise in initial teacher education, teacher professional learning and development, school-based collaborative inquiry, student learning and wellbeing, and school improvement.
Marie was a Senior Researcher at NZCER from 2000–2002. Since then, she has led or worked on various NZCER projects, including evaluations of the First Time Principals' Programme, the Literacy Professional Development Programme, and Teach First NZ. Marie has also led a longitudinal study, Teachers of Promise. She was an member of the coordination team for the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) at its inception in 2013 and has been an active member of the Editorial Board of set: Research Information for Teachers for over 10 years. Marie’s most recent work with NZCER was a literature review of Trends in assessment, co-authored with Rose Hipkins.
PG Dip (Educational Psychology) (University of Auckland), MA (Philosophy) (First Class Hons) (University of Auckland), BEd (University of British Columbia, Canada), Dip Teaching (NZ).
Cameron, M., Lovett, S., Garvey Berger, J. (2007) Starting out in teaching: surviving or thriving as a new teacher. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 32-37.
Cameron, M. (2007). Learning to teach: A literature review of induction theory and practice. Wellington: New Zealand Teachers Council.
Cameron, M., Dingle, R., & Brooking, K. (2007). Learning to teach: A survey of provisionally registered teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Wellington: New Zealand Teachers Council.
Cameron, M., Garvey Berger, J., Lovett, S., & Baker, R. (2007). "AKO": Being a teacher, being a learner, being part of a learning profession. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, 9 April.
Cameron, M., Baker, R., & Lovett, S. (2006). Teachers of promise: Getting started in teaching. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Cameron, M., & Dingle, R. (2006). Career paths in the New Zealand primary school sector: Report on surveys from principals and teachers. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Cameron, M., Sinclair, L., Waiti, P., and Wylie, C. ( 2004 ). Evaluation of the introductory professional development programme for teacher aides/kaiawhina: Supporting teachers of students with special educational needs. Report to the Ministry of Education.
Cameron, M., Lovett, S., Baker, R., and Waiti, P. (2004). Evaluation of the first time principals induction programme 2003. Report to the Ministry of Education.
Cameron, M., & Baker, R. (2004). Research on initial teacher education in New Zealand:1993-2004. Literature review and annotated bibliography. Literature review for the Ministry of Education and the New Zealand Teachers Council.
Beals, F., Hipkins, R., Cameron, M., & Watson, S. (2003, June). An evaluation of professional development to support the arts in the New Zealand curriculum. A report to the Ministry of Education. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Cameron, M. (2002 ). Peer influences on learning. set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 36-40.
Gilbert, J., & Cameron, M. (2002). When two cultures collide: Similarities and differences between tertiary teachers in two institutional contexts. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies/Te Hautaka Mätai Mätauranga o Aotearoa, 37 (1), 87-91.
Mitchell, L., Cameron, M., & Wylie, C. (2002). Sustaining school improvement: Ten primary schools' journeys. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Mitchell, L., Cameron, M., & Wylie, C. (2002). What's needed to support and sustain good teaching? In New Zealand Council for Educational Research (Ed.), Teachers make a difference: What is the research evidence? Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.