The STAXI-2 C/A is a 35-item self-report measure based on the adult version of the instrument, the STAXI-2. Like its parent version, the STAXI-2 C/A assesses both state and trait anger along with anger expression and control, allowing you to examine important dimensions that facilitate the evaluation of children with specific problem behaviors.
Distinguishes temporary anger states from more trait-like or enduring conditions
- Enhances the ability to assess and diagnose the spectrum of conditions in which anger intensity as an emotional state is important (e.g., bipolar disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder).
- Assesses the degree to which a child reacts only to specific negative events or more generally responds to diverse environmental events.
- Assesses a child’s habitual anger coping style as either externalizing or internalizing (i.e., suppressive).
- Assists in the determination of whether key aspects of a child’s anger profile may be related to problems with his or her health status (e.g., problems exacerbated by intense or frequent anger suppression).
- Provides raw score to percentile and T-score conversions for both the total normative sample and six age-by-gender groups.
- Presents discriminant and convergent validity based on correlations with the YSR DSM-Oriented and Syndrome scales for a subset of the normative sample and a clinical sample.
- The STAXI-2 C/A may be used as part of the diagnostic process, as a tool for monitoring the long-term effects anger has on children and adolescents, and as a complement to threat assessment measures and procedures in a variety of settings.
Registration Level:
9 years to 18 years
Country of origin:
Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR)
Paper; Individual
10 minutes
Work Area: